Friday, 16 December 2011

Jennifer Lopez already releases a new album?

Rumors has it that JLo will release a new album next month! She claims that when they recorded Love? they had plenty of time to record an EP. Rumored title? Love! And more exclusive news! New single in January: rumored title? 'Don't Give Up On Love'. We can't wait!

Lindsay Lohan in hospital

Lindsay Lohan was found in her place by her sister full in drugs and alcohol. She was fast enough to get her to the hospital but it's not certain whether she'll be saved at the end.

Good luck, Lindsay!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

GaGa speaks with the Devil?

Rumor-bomb landed awhile ago stating that Lady GaGa told her Haus that she "speaks with the Devil". She thought she was in private during this discussion but such secrets can't be kept for long, right? More in particular she claimed "Sometimes, when I'm home alone and you know (imitates a smoker) I can hear voices in my head. A few years ago I thought it was an angel or even God, but soon I realized (...) I'm sure it's Lucifer" and continues whispering "I can speak with the Devil". Is this GaGa's new romantic interest? Did she dedicate her song "Marry the night" to her new love "the Devil"? Is she even possessed? Your call.

Perez Hilton is a drug dealer?

It was twelve hours ago that the police arrested the popular blogger Perez Hilton for possessing enormous amounts of cocaine and other heavy drugs. Obvious is that someone with such big portions of drugs isn't just a regular user but maybe a drug dealer. Is this how you bought your new house, Perez? Well, I hope you like your new room in the national prison of Los Angeles.

Britney Spears' huge donation

The princess of pop, Britney Spears, recently donated 10.000.000 USD to Unicef. However, she tried everything so that she stays anonymous but when you're as famous as the "criminal" singer something like that is just impossible. Good job though, Britney! As she grows up she gets more and more mature, don't you agree?  

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Miley's secret revealed!

Have you wondered what Liam Hemsworth (Miley's boyfriend) got her for her birthday? Well, don't wonder no more since one of her close friends revealed that Liam proposed to Miley! You read well, he asked her to be his wife. Her close friend -whose name cannot be revealed yet- didn't say though whether Ms. Cyrus said "yes", "no" or "maybe". What do you think?

Justin Bieber wants to get married by 20

Justin Bieber told P.Diddy, who usually visits him to ask for news, that he wants to marry his girlfriend, Selena Gomez by the age of 20. His mother got shocked when she found out and rumors has it that they had a very long discussion all night long. He says he's completely in love and that as cheesy as he sounds he would give up on everything for Selena. However, we all know that he wouldn't turn his back to his fans and he has said it many times in the past. Let's see, should we expect at least an engagement when he becomes 18 next year? Do you also think he's too young for that? Or do you actually believe in "Twilight" romance?